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Basic Author Consultation $50

-Amazon author page critique

-Overall brand consistency across social media platforms

-Suggestions on how to optimize read-through of your backlist

-Help identifying who your target audience is and suggestions on how to better access those readers.

-Help outlining future goals

Book Consultation $50

-Amazon product page critique

-Suggestions on how to strengthen your blurb and cover to speak to the right market (this is not rewriting the blurb)

-First chapter critique with suggestions of how to better hook readers

-Amazon keyword suggestions in KDP dashboard

-Help identifying which backlist book is best to link (if not in series)

-Identifying target audience and ways to access those readers.

-Help outlining release goals, and suggestions on how to meet those goals

Marketing Consultation $50

-One time analysis of current ad

-Suggestions on how to optimize and improve the ROI 

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